Georgia Robotics
Advancing robotics research and education in Georgia

Officers and Directors



Georgia Robotics Inc. (GRI) maintains an open and transparent operation. Accordingly, we are pleased to make our corporate records available online below.

Our CPA is Habif, Arogeti, and Wynne

  • Articles of incorporation, September 1, 2006 (pdf)

  • Bylaws, approved January 17, 2007 (pdf)

  • Conflict of interest policy, approved January 17, 2007 (pdf)

  • IRS filings for 501c3 status:
    • Form 1023 Application for Recognition of Exemption under 501 (c) 3 (pdf), attachment (pdf)
  • IRS Tax Exempt Letter (pdf)
  • Annual IRS filings:
    • 2007: Form 990 (pdf), attachment (pdf).
    • 2008: Form 990 (pdf).
    • 2009: Form 990 (pdf).
    • 2010: Form 990 (pdf).
    • 2011: Form 990 (pdf).
    • 2013: Form 990 (pdf).

  • Board of Directors meeting minutes
    • January 17, 2007 (pdf)
    • April 14, 2008 (pdf)
    • April 20, 2011 (pdf)





















Georgia Robotics Inc. is a non-profit incorporated in the state of Georgia
(c) 2007-2015 Georgia Robotics Inc.